Napa Valley weather in November is changeable. It can be sunny and in the 60’s one day, and overcast or rainy the next. If it does rain, November storms are generally shorter and less intense than those in the winter. The good thing is that the chances are better than 75% that you will see sun during a typical November day.

In November, the average temperature in Calistoga is 53 degrees, with an average high of 66, and an average low of 40 degrees. The average rainfall in Calistoga for November is 4.75 inches. In 2014, for example, the average high temperatures were in the 60’s or 70’s on everyday but three.

While the weather may be somewhat unpredictable in November, it is only so by California standards. Those of you coming from the East, for example, will no doubt smile when a local tells you how cold it is when the temperature hits 45 at night.